Tracey-Anne Oxley is a Sydney based Life Coach, mentoring Young Adults & Women. 



I’m passionate about guiding Young Adults, Women & Parents through challenges brought about from relationships, anxiety, self-confidence, life, and parenting. I’m not just a life-coach, I’m also a mother to three children, 18, 16 and 11.


A little about me.

My life has certainly not been flawless, I am grateful for the journey I have travelled. Like many of us I have had my fair share of painful and positive experiences through life, shaping who I have chosen to become.

I moved around a lot as a child and while at the time it was perhaps disruptive, in hindsight it built resilience making it easier to adapt to new situations throughout my life.

Growing up on the outskirts of Brisbane I was lucky enough to experience the freedom that I believe is a right of passage for children. Bare foot, catching yabbies, building tree houses, roaming, horseback and dirt bikes. As long as we were home before dark there were not too many rules. These are the good memories I have of my childhood and the ones I keep close to my heart.

Without going into too much detail, the tension in my home resulted in a broken family. There was alcoholism, mental health issues and the death of my mum. Living out of home at 16 gave me many life changing moments, forcing me to grow up. Fighting my anxiety kept me running, avoiding sitting in my truth. These are the years that truly shaped who I am, who I chose to be.

Fast forward 2021, a family of my own, years of inner work, unpacking sadness, anger, resentment and avoidance I am now comfortably in a position to give back, to help create that beautiful self-awareness that we all long for. Deep diving into a new realm, guiding women to discover their inner calm and truth, giving them the choice to flourish in life.

Tracey-Anne’s own journey of self-development and personal growth has helped her enormously as a coach. Gently stretching and nurturing her clients through change and personal transformation.

She knows that everyone, with the right amount of support and structure have the capacity to make significant changes in their lives no matter what their circumstances.

Tracey-Anne believes in order to thrive and move forward in life a clearing process must take place. Let’s call it weeding and seeding. Think of a garden. First, the soil must be in optimal condition, then weeds need to be cleared and maintained before a seedling is planted. With the right amount of sunshine, water and care the seedling can flourish into a tree with the roots firmly connected to the earth.

Let’s dig a little deeper, translated this means, old beliefs, negative ideals and behavioural patterns we have are removed and maintained. Once we are aware, the more grounded we become, the sooner we can move forward and flourish.

Mentoring and guidance throughout all stages of life is paramount to good mental health. 

We live in a society which is fast moving and forever changing. There’s constant pressure to conform, and to keep up at a hectic pace.  As a result our physical and mental health suffer and we put our wellbeing last.  

It’s quite easy to lose focus and confidence, getting off track and losing our purpose and what we value the most along the way. At these times you can feel isolated, angry, sad, alone and confused. Life coaching is a wonderful tool to rebalance, connect and get you back on track.

Allowing you to own your journey is life transforming and powerful!


My approach

Before we can move forward in life it is essential to spend time to understand ourselves. When we understand ourselves on a deeper level, the greater connection we have with the world around us.

Being self-aware can help create the life you want to experience. Discovering what your core values and beliefs are will increase your confidence in making decisions about your future. You have to nourish to flourish, care for yourself to move forward.

As your coach I can provide you with support in defining the life you want by co-designing strategies into actionable steps to get you there.

Tracey-Anne is a Life Coach having studied at Life Coaching Academy (LCA). Her holistic approach to coaching creates a connected awareness for her client’s physical and emotional wellbeing.




It is particularly helpful in developing self-awareness in relation to friendships, family, study, parenting, health and wellness, change of career and break ups.