How do you define yourself?

As women our our roles are flexible, we are forever changing, growing, giving and sacrificing. How we were raised greatly effects the outcome of who we are. Our early childhood experiences shape our belief not only about ourselves but of others and the world around us.

Understanding ourselves is vital to how we move forward in life. Exploring our core values and deep rooted beliefs help us to have real relationships and make better decisions.

Really understanding ourselves means letting go our our labels such as our skills, job roles, abilities, physical characteristics, academic education, parent roles and accolades. Stripping back the layers and exposing the raw vulnerability underneath, connecting to our essence to know who we really are.

Defining ourselves is not running from who we are, not filling any voids with unhealthy, undesirable bandaids to avoid sitting in our truth. In short, exploring how we show up everyday and what we choose to be.

I encourage you to understand your values and beliefs and ask, “Is what I am doing aligning with my values?” Our beliefs guide us through life even when we have evolved and moved on. Checking in when we are reactive or fearful, “Is this from now or is this an old belief playing out?” This helps to understand if we are reacting to a current situation or a childhood one.

Who are you when you strip away those roles and labels?


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Personal growth