Struggling with teenage boys and girls? My top 5 tips on how to navigate these precious years

I am not sure about you, but parenting during a pandemic certainly has it’s challenges. Not only can it be taxing on ourselves it is equally challenging for our teens.

While we never want to be pushovers as parents, being “too rigid” can cause issues too. Flexible parenting has great results, teaching our kids to negotiate is a great life skill to have as they develop into young adults.

My top 5 tips on how to navigate these precious years…..

  1. Support them always - Let them know you always have their back, no matter what. Teenagers are hardwired to make mistakes, these are the learning years that really shape who they are. Letting them fail and mess up gives them feedback.

  2. Let them know its normal - Teenagers just want to fit in, their peers become more important as they pave their way to independence. They learn to assert themselves through expressing their opinions. This is normal. Love and guide them through this important time.

  3. Focus on their strengths - Often us parents can fall into the trap of “hen pecking” our teens focusing on the negatives. This can affect their self-worth and have a negative impact on their wellbeing. Praise your teens. If something is really bothering you about them ask yourself “What is going on here for me?”

  4. Keep up the humour - Bringing in the fun is essential for both parents and teenagers. Goofing around, dancing and tapping into your teens world helps to form loving connections and bonding experiences.

  5. Accepting who they are - This is a biggie, accepting who they are, not who we want them to be. This allows them to navigate their way through developing their own identity and being ok with who they are.


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